Weekly Quote – Dr. Stanley Robbins


Every week The Checkup magazine brings you an interesting Quote related to the medical world. A brief fascinating description of the quotee adds more value to the reader.

Dr.Stanley L. Robbins, M.D., the master teacher of pathology, died on October 7, 2003 at the age of 88. Born in Portland, Maine in 1915, Dr. Robbins graduated at the top of his class from Brookline High School in Brookline, Massachusetts. He became Director of Boston University’s Mallory Institute of Pathology and Chairman of its Department of Pathology in 1965, a position he held until 1980.


In 1957, the first edition of Robbins’ Textbook of Pathology was published and marked a turning point in pathology teaching.

It was not merely the content of the textbooks but also their style that made them popular. His books have been translated into over a dozen languages and there is little doubt that, through his texts, Robbins became one of the most influential teachers of pathology.

He peppered his prose with bits of whimsy and jokes that made the reader smile. One of my favorites is from the section on pigments that reads, “The tattoo pigment has the distressing property of persisting in situ throughout life in dermal macrophages, creating difficulties if one wishes to marry ”Alice“ when the adornment is seductively titled ”Mary.“

During his long career, Dr. Robbins also made contributions in research, helping to develop the frog pregnancy test that preceded the advent of the rabbit pregnancy test. He also conducted early research into coronary artery disease. Dr. Robbins was the recipient of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology 1991 Distinguished Pathologist Award. In 1992, he was awarded the Gold Headed Cane Award by the American Society of Investigative Pathology.

His memory will be treasured by generations of medical students and physicians-in-training.

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About the author

Dr Santosh Karmarkar is a reputed Pediatric Surgeon from Mumbai and a Health Activist. His interests are Health, Politics and Sci-Fi.

