Monday Motivation


This quote was from the Austrian neurologist Sigmund Freud. He was popularly known as the father of modern psychology and the founder of psychoanalysis, including the id, ego, superego, defense mechanism, repression, and oedipus complex. This quote by the neurologist emphasizes that your vulnerabilities should be explored that’s where you find power. We, human beings see our vulnerabilities as weaknesses and don’t think there’s anything good associated with it. You could use your vulnerabilities to either work for you or against you but this will ultimately depend on how you handle the uncomfortable feeling of being vulnerable.

It might not be easy but try to expose your vulnerability. That’s how you can develop more as a person, as you will know you’re not perfect and don’t need to. Being open about your vulnerabilities means you’ve left the box you called your comfort zone. And it’s out of your comfort zone, you will find your development zone, in this zone you will learn more about yourself, accept yourself for who you’re, explore many things and discover that you’re good at those things you never thought you’d try when you were still in your comfort zone. So, starting from now embrace your vulnerabilities, be true to yourself, tell people your ideas and risk rejection, tell people about what they did to upset you, tell people no to things that makes you uncomfortable and risk being called selfish.



This post is written by Yusuf Umuani, a medical student from Nigeria. She loves reading, writing about interesting things and listening to music.


Featured Image:https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sigmund_Freud_colorized.jpg