5 Spiritual Metaphor Impressions of Maha Kumbh experience
Liberation has been the highest goal for an Indian, and even God is considered just a stepping stone towards. Continue reading
Welcome to the world of medical tourism, where people cross continents for budget-friendly surgeries and bonus vacation. Continue reading
The room was quiet, save for the rhythmic hum of the ventilator and the occasional beep of the monitors. A faint ray of. Continue reading
There are moments in life when we find ourselves searching for balance and peace amid the challenges that come our way.. Continue reading
It began with a Facebook photograph. A man, his arms raised in triumph at the finish line of the Mumbai Marathon, his. Continue reading
The Checkup Tete – a – Tete : In conversation with Dr. Ravi Ramakanthan –
( MD Radiology & EX – Head of Department of Radiology at KEM Hospital )
In the ever-changing environment of healthcare,. Continue reading
The value of patient input cannot be emphasized. Continue reading
I started reading this book on a relaxed Saturday. Continue reading
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as an. Continue reading
Time is 5 pm .. Sun is setting over a lake in front of idyllic lake at black buck lodge in Velavadar in Gujarat.. 34 sq km Velavadar national. Continue reading
Fresh from the polluted confines of Mumbai, we draw in lungsful of clean air as we deplane at the end of our three-hours long flight to Port Blair,. Continue reading
The concepts of survival of the fittest, competition for resources, and genes as the drivers of evolution are deeply ingrained in our psyche. The. Continue reading
Medicine is arduous, the subject is vast and clinical practice riddled with social and technical inequalities.. Continue reading
Imagine you are born in a poor family as one of the eight children, you are good at studies, you sing too and it. Continue reading
DOCUMENTARY : 41 mins Produced by Curley Street Directed by Pavitra Chalam and Akshay. Continue reading
The extent I’m going, to is to write an article about having no time to make ‘Roti’ as I’m always in OT. Continue reading
Medical education is dealt with very briefly in the new National Education Policy. The key change suggested is to. Continue reading
It was a Sunday. I was waiting for “Sandesh Dry Fruits and Sweets” to open. “Sandesh” was a popular shop. Continue reading
The COVID-19 pandemic has completely changed the way the human world functions. Though we may have claimed to. Continue reading
“Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master.” Christian Louis Lange, Historian We need to. Continue reading
The book ‘Homodeus- A Brief History of Tomorrow’ by Yuval Noah Harari was gifted to me by a special teacher,. Continue reading
TheCheckup's Interview Series: Our special guest Dr Roy Patankar interviewed by Dr Rajesh. Continue reading